Monday, February 20, 2012

Preppers Beware - Gas Prices Going Up?

With the saber rattling going on across the big pond, Iran has shut oil down to the UK and France in retaliation for the sanctions imposed on them.  Then on the heals of that article comes the news that Saudia Arabia Cuts Oil OutputOh, and crude oil jumped up to $105 a barrel today as well.  Looks like higher gas prices are on the horizon.  Happy driving - may need to saddle the horses up shortly!  If the gas prices continue to rise, our economy will suffer greatly pushing on faster into The Greatest Depression - so beware preppers!

All is just not right in the world now is it?  Are times going to get tough?  I believe so in the near future and that is why it is imperative that we prepare accordingly for ourselves and our families.  Do what is prudent and get your food put back.  Now, I am by no means saying to give up living - you must live every day to its fullest as we are just not guaranteed tomorrow. So, until the inevitable happens KEEP LIVING!  We are not to fear the tomorrow or the future, we are to prepare and by preparing we take the fear out the situation. 

Today marks the day in which Clif High said things could begin to get very dicey in his last web bot report - Feb 20 through March 20.  Something like that.  So, keep on top of the news and what is going on around the globe.  Remember that while we may be experiencing a fairly mild winter (I keep waiting for the major ice storm or blizzard LOL), that over in Europe things aren't so good.  This winter has been horrible over there and as many as 550 people have died from the arctic blast complete with record snowfalls and drifts higher then the rooftops. Holy cow!  We should remember them in prayer:


Something happy...

                                                This is "Mary" our new baby alpaca!
                                        This is "Elvis" our chihuahua puppy born 12-4-11!
                Even when the world seems out of control, these wonderful creatures elicit smiles!

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