Friday, February 24, 2012

It Is BAD...

Charlie McGrath has written a very good article pretty much summing up the super storm that is unfolding at this very moment.  You can read the article here:

The stock market is very high meanwhile gold and silver are holding fairly stable?  Something seems amiss here - so much buying is going on in the precious metals market but the price is not really showing that - manipulation I would say.  The run to 13,000 is scary in itself - a prelude to a gigantic crash?  

There is a huge disconnect from reality right now being played out - markets artificially high while  food stamp usage the highest ever and unemployment  high.  

Fuel prices are beginning their rise as we have warned about - so get ready for that.  Even a $1 dollar increase per gallon of fuel will have detrimental effects on the economy is every way from costing you more to get to work to the price of food you put on your table.  You think grocery prices are high now, wait until they pop up another 10 - 20 percent!

Another interesting little thing that is occurring is the resignation of many higher-ups in the banking world - jumping ship?  You can read about that here:  

One also has to wonder if perhaps the White House is running a little scared as people begin to wake up and become very frustrated - seems as though they are stepping up security.

And the war drums beat on.  We seem to be the ones jabbing big sticks at Iran.  It doesn't matter that the world hates America, that we have become the bully on the block, that our once moral country has decided to wield its power and shove it in the faces of any country that doesn't do what we say.  The basic problem with Iran is that they have made and are making arrangements to trade oil NOT using petro-dollars.  It is really that simple and all the posturing going on regarding a nuclear Iran is just rhetoric trying to gain sympathy and praise for an all out war no matter the consequences or the cost in money or lives. War makes money.  Those drums are loud and getting louder and Syria is in its path, so beware as we head into even more battles - but then again, wasn't this all prophesied?  Think so.

On to the Baltic Dry Index you have heard me discuss before.  It is so way down it is very scary.  The BDI is used as an economic weather vane and right now, the storm is coming, it is forming and it is growing very dark.  The BDI was down 60% (lowest in 25 years) - this means that shipping was down so much there must be empty ships just hanging out in ports all over the place doing nothing.  This means money isn't flowing, goods are not moving and people aren't buying.

 On these happy notes, have a great weekend and work on those preps!

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