Saturday, February 18, 2012

Beginner Prepping - What Is A Prepper?

What in the world is a "prepper" you may be wondering.  A prepper is someone who prepares, who takes out insurance so to speak by storing preparedness items in case of a personal or larger catastrophe such as loss of a job or a full blown economic collapse.  A prepper is prudent in protecting self and family.  Most preppers are not out running in the woods wearing camouflage clothing and   carrying an M-16.  Visions of apocalypse may be be running around in their heads, but they are people just like you - the average American who knows things just ain't right!

Many preppers are learning to do things the old fashioned ways such as canning produce grown organically, dehydrating or making their own soap.  They just want to get back to basics and be ready if it all comes tumbling down.  No secret, no hidden agenda:  preservation of self and family is the reason many prep.  

When you decide to become a prepper, your world will change for the better.  It will become self-evolving and fun - you will have a purpose and a new set of goals to achieve.  Happy prepping!

There is something wrong in the world today.  You should be feeling it. Do you?  If you do not, then I am afraid that the brainwashing and deliberate dumbing down has morphed you into a mind-control automaton where the only thing  that interests you is their bait - what they have crammed into your head that you want and need to live.  Bait is the hook that pulls you out of the water of life, and drags you down, a place where the truth that surrounds you that is hidden beneath the surface.  You are leading an empty life where football or any other mind-controlled program drives you, gives you the escape your mind craves due to the programming.  You must break out of this existence and discover the truth that the world you live in is changing in ways that are not conducive to living.  That the world where you are a wage slave, going to work everyday to earn "money" to play consumer are coming to a close very shortly.  The question is:  what are you doing about it? Do you want to survive?  Can you find the will to fight the control, break out of it and be survivor and not a victim?  The choice is yours.

We have been sold a bill of goods that is really lies and deceptions.  We have been brainwashed into falling for the "American Dream" complete with mortgages, vehicle payments and credit cards to survive.  We have been led to follow the path of debt which leads to destruction.  Our Federal Reserve has been controlling the money of the United States since 1913 and this in itself is based upon debt.  An economy structured in debt will not survive, it will be swallowed up.  Our government borrows money with interest from the Federal Reserve which is a privately owned central bank and at this time, we are borrowing amounts that can never be repaid - to the tune of $150 million dollars a day.  Our government is writing bad checks so to speak - if you kept writing checks out of your checking account without a way to make them good, to bring you balance to positive, you would probably be arrested.  It is the same principle and yet it continues.  Wall Street and mega corporations are running this country into the ground and they plan on taking you down as well.  Decide right now that this will not happen to you or yours, grab the power for yourself and become more self-sufficient.  Empower yourself by preparing your own little corner of existence and realizing that you control what happens to you.

History is being written right this very moment, we are living in times unprecedented, a period in which being alive is a blessing or a curse, depending on how you look at it and whether or not you believe prophecy is unfolding and the Creator holds the cards.  With the whole world balanced on the edge of the cliff, ready to teeter over at any moment the best advice given freely is to PREPARE!

I am afraid that if you are not preparing, then you will have a very tough time surviving what is coming.  Do I sound paranoid? Yes, For good reason.

We now have so many varied problems facing this world right now that any ONE problem could bring the others in line to fall like a row of dominoes.  We are facing floods, droughts, freaky weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, a solar maximum, an elite fighting to bring about a New World Order and a global economy that is leveraged out to infinity and beyond.  We are swimming in an economy that is drowning us, that cannot continue.  

The warning signs are all around you concerning the economy.  Just open your eyes and look.  Greece is a perfect example and we will face the very same that Greece is facing now - only in America, given the entitlement mentality, it will be far worse.  In America, chaos will reign and this will not be the land of hopes and dreams any longer.  How it all affects you it up to you and how you prepare for it.

To begin with, you must put food back - food that you will eat (if you don't like sardines, don't buy can after can of sardines thinking it is a great source of protein).  You must have a water source.  You must have ways to protect yourself.  You must have a medical kit to treat health issues at home.  You must become proactive and learn how to do this now as time is short.

It would behoove you to use the internet while you can to print out the ways of old to homestead, farm, garden, hunt, making soap etc.  Have a notebook with the info in it handy.  Or you can buy a preparedness book that has all of that in it...

First on the  list, you should purchase a book entitled "Dare to Prepare" by Holly Deyo.  This book has everything in it that you will need to know to survive.  Go here

Here is a link for a preparedness PDF - thank you Rick!  LDS Preparedness

Go through the LDS PDF and do the best you can with the money you have and the time you have left.  You can store rice, beans, grains, and soup beans in 2 liter plastic bottles as well - save them,  wash them well, let them dry and use them.  Better than nothing at this point.  

Water - know your sources for water where you live or where you are bugging out and you will need to have a way to purify your drinking/cooking water.  Here is an excellent place to get a water filter that won't bankrupt you:  Monolithic Marketplace. Thank you again Rick!

A useful tip for beginning preppers is !  The KISS method is my mantra in prepping being that we are on a budget.  Get now what you may not be able to buy later.

The be-all, end-all of prepping is do what you can!  Don't think that you have to buy $10,000 worth of freeze-dried food to be a prepper!  That would be the simplest, best solution but many can't afford it - I know we can't!

Below is an inexpensive way to store foods using plastic jugs, O2 Absorbers and Fossil Shell Flour...

Organizing & Storing Your Preps - On a Budget

The items in this picture are:  Diatomaceous Earth - Fossil Shell Flour used to keep bugs out.
Assorted foods that need storing: Rice, 15 bean Soup, Dried Peas and Lentils
Oxygen Absorbers: purchased from Honeyville (now when using O2 absorbers - either use the whole package that day or reseal them by using a vacuum sealer)
Plastic jugs

This is a jug of dried split peas that have Fossil Shell Flour mixed in and an O2 absorber placed inside.

Use a large container (I used my roasting pan) and dump your food in, add 1 cup Fossil Shell Flour per 40 lbs on food, mix well.  Next pour into container via a funnel (helps tremendously), add O2 absorber, put lid on, seal with duct tape, label with what is inside and date. Done.

Store in a cool, dry temperature (humidity) controlled room.  Store in a dark area.

                                            Oxygen Absorbers ordered from Honeyville

*The best way to store food (rice, beans and grain etc) is to put in a 5 gallon bucket with O2 absorbers and inside of a mylar bag - but the above is an option for us folks that want to most bang for our bucks that are in short supply.    

Get ready, it's coming!


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