Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Excerpt from the article below………While Obummer’s in Columbia and the American people pay for his Secret Service detachment to romp with hookers….he’s cutting back-door deals to eliminate our 2nd amendment rights………I urge you to read or skim through this article for a general overview because this is at the doors Gentlemen and it’s ugly………ignore this information at your own risk…..it ain’t going away….
To you foreign troops out there who have had it whispered in your ear that you will be engaging the American people of the American race for the purpose of disarming and bringing us into a one world dictatorship, be advised.  If you come here, you will die here, each and every one of you.  Once you have put us to the task you have sealed your fate.  We are not going to let you leave, we will slaughter you and leave your bodies to decay where they fall and your bones to bleach upon our soil as a warning to all others who might in the future entertain the notion of conquering we the American people in our own country.
God bless our Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.
By the Brezhnev era, after tens of millions had been exterminated in the gulag, many Russians lamented that “submissiveness had softened our brains to such a degree” that resistance was no longer possible. All of this could have been avoided, Solzhenitsyn contended, if resistance had begun “at the moment of arrest itself.”

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